

 Storage Tips

  • Store in plastic bag in refrigerator. Keep moist to prevent leaves from wilting.

  • Wash thoroughly before eating as dirt tends to settle in between stalks.

Culinary Tips

  • Try quartering the bok choy, coating in oil, salt and pepper and roasting in a hot oven until the stems are tender and the green are crispy.

  • Delicious cut in half and steamed until the stems are tender but with a bite. Drizzle with toasted sesame oil, salt and rice wine vinegar.

  • Roasting, grilling or searing brings out the nuttiness of the bok choy

  • Great in stir-fries, broth-based soups and even coleslaws

Health Benefits

  • Vitamins: B9 (Folate) and C

  • Minerals: magnesium, potassium, iron, copper and phosphorus

  • Lowers risk of colon cancer, stomach cancer, heart disease, birth defects, type II diabetes, osteoporosis and anemia.


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